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Staff Profile – Ms. Daphne

Hello everyone. My name is Daphne Soberanis. This is now my fourth year with Marshall ELP and I am super thrilled to finally come back and meet all of our new kiddos! 

I am currently a Kindergarten tutor while also pursuing a career in Special education. Working with young children has been such a great experience for me. I enjoy what I do because not only do I get to build relationships with the students, but I also get to watch them improve and become the best versions of themselves. 

My goal for this year is to provide students with a safe & nurturing environment so that they are eager to come to school every day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know. It is very important for me that every child feels safe and cared about. I am very excited to see what this new school year brings!

Coming soon!