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Parlier High After School Program

We serve all Parlier High School students grades 9-12. PAW operates Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri from 3:20pm-6:20pm and Wednesday from 1:25-4:30pm. Program elements include, in person, daily academic support in core subjects areas including homework assistance, rotating enrichment activities that include but are not limited to: community service, career education, arts, intramural sports, and fitness. Weekly schedules are available in the front office and on our website.


Our Mission

To be a foundation that provides a safe and enriched environment for all students to embrace and support each other’s individuality and deliver genuine care, respect and courtesy for all students, parents and each other.

To empower a diverse learning environment, while meeting the needs of our students, parents, schools and communities we serve.

To enhance and enrich the lives of students so they thrive in our ever-changing society, while working together towards a shared goal.

Nuestra Misión

Ser una fundación que proporciona un ambiente seguro y enriquecido para que todos los estudiantes adopten y apoyen la individualidad de cada uno y ofrezcan un cuidado genuino, respeto y cortesía para todos los estudiantes, padres y unos a otros.

Para potenciar un entorno de aprendizaje diverso, a la vez que se satisfacen las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes, padres, escuelas y comunidades a las que servimos.

Mejorar y enriquecer las vidas de los estudiantes para que prosperen en nuestra sociedad en constante cambio, al tiempo que trabajan juntos para lograr un objetivo compartido.

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You will enjoy our amazing After School Program

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Disfrutarán de nuestro increíble programa de después de la escuela

Let us know how we are doing. We work to continuously improve the quality of our After School Programs