Roosevelt After School Program
Roosevelt Asp is Special because we do our best to relate to the students daily as they come to us. We start our day off by Chanting- I Am Amazing, I Am Wonderful, I Am Unique (WHY?) Because I Am Me! Then I say and Never Forget How Special You Are To Us! Have a Great Day!. Then we Chant#2 Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared! and talk about the Covid-19 and how we should always wash our hands for 20 seconds and use hand sanitizer and what to do if we cough or sneeze. We ask how they feel and let them know we are here for them. Then students eat their supper and go to classes. We have a Kindness wall form students to write notes of kindness to their parents and we have a wall for the parents to leave their children notes of kindness as well. I always talk to my staff to take a minute and let the students breath as we don’t know if they had a bad day and could use a minute to catch their breath. We have a sixth grade leadership to help with the lower grades with homework , reading buddies, setting out Chrome books for the 1st graders, and set out enrichment games at the end of the day. We have the Biggs program that is absolutely wonderful and beneficial to our students that have lost a parent or parents, foster kids, homeless kids, and students struggling with social skills. The students look forward to Thursdays to be with their Big and I have a waiting list of students get set up with a Bigg. The Biggs is a major help with our social and emotional students. We also have Robotics, Drama, Intervention-Math and Language, and Science classes offered as well as seasonal sports during After School Program.